Alma 29:9

Alma 29:9 I know that which the Lord hath commanded me, and I glory in it. I do not glory of myself, but I glory in that which the Lord hath commanded me; yea, and this is my glory, that perhaps I may be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul to repentance; and this is my joy.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Wendy's Baptism

July 16th letter

Hey Everyone,

We got changes Wednesday. I have a new companion here in Valencia. His name
is Elder Hernandez, he´s from Mexico and he has 6 months. He doesn´t know
any English which will force me to work on my Spanish, which I didn´t think
that I needed until he became my companion. But he also wants to learn
English so I´m going to have to help him out a little with his studies.

Last week there was a Hermana (a sister missionary) that was leaving the mission, 
and she had done everything in the mission that she had wanted except have a
musical devotional. So she organized it and we had it. It was a very spiritual
experience to see the other missionaries get up and share their musical talents.

While I was at the devotional I got to see the elders that are now serving in my first
area. I got to talking to them about my converts so here is the update.
Senaida is still living with her member boyfriend. They have no plans of
getting married.  But they are both still going to church.
Onny and Dariela, have apparently gone inactive.
Allan is active when he is in town.
Vanessa continues to go to church as far as I understood.
Armando had been sober for a year, and then apparently started drinking again.
Alejandra is still going strong. Her mom, Rosmary, still goes with her although
she can not get baptized because her boyfriend doesn't want to get married.
Some sad stuff.

Thursday we had interviews with President at the stake center. My companion
and I were scheduled last so we showed up at 12:20 for our 12:30 interviews
and there were still 4 Elders in front of us. At 1:00 it was our turn and then president
told us that he had another meeting so we would go with him and wait. We went to
the mission office and waited until 2:00 when his meeting actually started, and
then it went on and on and on until 5:30 when we finally got in. It was so boring
because we were just stuck in the mission office waiting. And then as always my
interview took about 5 to 10 minutes. I could have just emailed him all that on Pday.

Carlos is still being difficult. I don´t think that he really wants to get baptized, but
he won´t admit that he doesn´t want to. We passed by Friday night and committed
him to go to church, we passed by his house Sunday morning and he wasn´t there,
and he never showed up to church.

Saturday we met with an investigator that Elder Harrington and I had given
up on. She was as tough as ever, the funny thing is she admitted in the
lesson that she knew that the bible was incomplete, but she would not
accept that there are any other books that are the word of God. It was
super frustrating!

It´s pretty cool, we have a pioneer of Honduras living in our ward. She was
I think the 9th person in Honduras to be baptized. She has a alot of stories to tell.
I´m sure there are more that we haven´t gotten around to meeting yet.

That´s it for this week.

Elder Stone